PCR Engineering GmbH

Representative Services - PCR Engineering at your side

Under certain conditions, operators of a plant requiring a permit must appoint one or more immission and incident officers (in Germany § 58a Abs. 1 Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz).

Thanks to our many years of experience in the planning of process and chemical plants and an expert team of chemists, process engineers, chemical engineers and environmental engineers, we are also available for you as immission and incident officers in Germany in the regions of Osnabrueck, Emsland, Oldenburg and Bremen as well as in Hannover and Dresden.

Our accident officers advise you as the operator in safety matters and they are authorized and obligated to perform the following tasks, among others:

  • advise the operator on matters that may be significant for the safety of the plant
  • to work towards improving the safety of the plant
  • to work towards compliance with the BImSchG and the ordinances to the BImSchG as well as the fulfillment of issued conditions and requirements
  • to inspect the operating facilities at regular intervals
  • to report any deficiencies found and to make suggestions for their elimination
  • immediately report to the operator any deficiencies relating to preventive and defensive fire protection and technical assistance
  • to make an annual report on measures carried out and intended to be carried out

The aim is to identify and eliminate faults that could lead to an accident as far as possible in advance.

The following link will take you to Annex I of the 12th BImSchV, which contains a list of substances and their quantities. Based on this table, you can see whether your operating area lies within the scope of the Hazardous Incident Ordinance and, if so, which class it is assigned to (only available in German).


Describe us your request. We will advise you comprehensively.



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