PCR Engineering GmbH

Concept planning - from the idea to the basis for decision-making

Comprehensive, forward-looking and holistic concept planning puts your upcoming project on a solid footing – regardless of whether you want to expand your product range or services offeredincrease production capacities or optimize profitability. It all starts with your idea or project: The dedicated team at PCR Engineering takes care of the rest – with comprehensive services from a single source, advice at eye level and a concept that duly takes all eventualities into account.

Concept planning definition: Checking and creating feasibility

Do not leave your own business success, from a new location to the expansion of plant capacities, to chance: This is the general premise that precedes expert planningTheoretical models and feasibility studies are then recorded in the concept, which must of course be tailored to you as a customer, company, your market and the general requirements.

The definition of concept planning is therefore as far-reaching as the tasks and benefits of concept planning are. Both have to be: Because there is a lot to consider, from the definition of suitable processes and main components, through to approval law checks. We at PCR Engineering see this as our task. To do this, we make use of a wide range of tools, including specialized technologies such as 3D scanning technology.

Our concept planning services and tasks

We create and bundle information that provides you with a solid and comprehensible basis for decision-making. In the course of this, we create for you:

  • Process specifications and data
  • Feasibility studies
  • Mass, energy and material balances
  • Authority and safety engineering, approval engineering
  • Cost recording, budget planning, investment costing
  • Operation and plant concepts
  • PFD (Process Flow Diagram)

All this and other information is brought together in the concept created for this purpose. We therefore also see it as our task to compile and categorize all the relevant and necessary information that you will later need to define your project, make further decisions and develop it further.

It goes without saying that we remain agile for our customers, as the development of suitable alternatives is just as much a part of the concept creation process as the identification of preferred solutions. Throughout the entire process, we act with foresight and take all company-specific requirements into account from the very first minute. Our aim is to create cost-effective solutions and to place all subsequent steps on a solid, transparent foundation. In this way, bad investments can be avoided as far as realistically possible and the desired economic and efficiency gains can characterize your new project right from the start.

Our concept planning creates added value and benefits for you

The holistic and forward-looking concept planning from the PCR engineering team is your concrete benefit. We create flexible concepts that are ready for implementation, consistently take into account implementation-specific requirements and continuously put the concept itself to the test – naturally also with a view to realistic budgeting. The result for you is scalable and economical planning in several expansion stages, which not only allows you to focus on efficiency right from the start, but also to continuously track the progress and success of the project planning.

We combine state-of-the-art technologies such as 3D scanning technology with visualized representations and 3D models. It goes without saying that we also take into account the necessary safety-related designs as well as the applicable framework conditions for environmental protection, occupational safety and plant availability with regard to subsequent implementation.

Case Study - Concept Planning

An international corporation commissioned us with a case study for the construction of a pilot plant at one of its European sites. There were several potential sites on the company’s premises, each with different advantages and disadvantages in terms of available floor space, building height and existing infrastructure. As part of the case study, we surveyed the shortlisted sites using 3D scans and made various proposals for the plant layout. This allowed us to quickly determine the optimal location. Furthermore, we made proposals for a suitable solid dosing system, an inerting concept and a cost estimation as part of the contract.

We are here for you, your questions and concept planning: contact us!

Concept planning, with its comprehensive services and many advantages, is the solid foundation on which new projects should be built after the initial brainstorming stage at the latest. We create solutions for you and your company that do full justice to your business activities and your market. Arrange your consultation with PCR Engineering today. We will soon be able to implement your project!

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