PCR Engineering GmbH

Basic Engineering: From Concept to Overall Installation Plan

During the Basic Engineering phase (FEED phase/FEL2) your project takes a more detailed shape. The focus in this phase is on the technical realization of the planned facility as well as on the concepts and forecasts that are crucial for quick and smooth approval procedure.

Basic Engineering: Definition of a complex process

The step from concept planning to complete design planning is what is defined as basic engineering. All relevant technical and economic requirements are also evaluated and considered during this phase. The result of basic engineering is an overall design plan that includes main components such as reactors, pumps, piping and transport systems, control and environmental technology, logistics and waste disposal, – that is the basis for the further detail engineering. We prepare all the necessary lists, data overviews, PFDs and PIDs for the commissioning companies, as well as concepts for the technical building equipment (TGA) and buildings. In addition to the technical details, we also prepare a project schedule and develop an equipment-based cost estimation. The preparation of tender documents is also often a part of basic engineering.

Basic Engineering with PCR Engineering: We offer a Complete Package of Services

A lot of project-relevant details must be considered during basic engineering. Our interdisciplinary team manages this task using a wide range of competencies and many years of experience in plant engineering, so that you get our reliable service for as many project parts as possible. This approach is very time- and money-saving, which creates optimal conditions for the smooth coordination of all planning and working steps. Here you can find an overview of our services:

Basic Engineering

  • As-built/ measurement/ 3D laser scan
  • 3D layout planning/ 3D planning (Autocad Plant 3D)
  • Process engineering design
  • Terrestrial 3D laser scanning (Leica RTC 360)
  • PID flow diagrams (Autocad PID or Aucotec Engineering Base)
  • Operation and process description
  • HAZOP studies/risk analysis
  • Ex-protection plans
  • Alarm and hazard plans
  • Circuit diagram creation (EPLAN P8)
  • Authority engineering
  • Sound prognoses
  • Odor forecasts
  • Immission forecasts
  • Pipeline route planning/ pipeline study
  • Studies of route allocation
  • Support concepts
  • Steel construction concepts
  • Mass extracts of pipelines and steel construction
  • Investment planning/ budget/ cost recording
  • Time scheduling
  • Room programs
  • Design planning of structures and outdoor facilities, TGA
  • Project scheduling
  • Fire protection concepts
  • Structural planning
  • Construction sequence planning in coordination with production and external trades (structural and civil engineering)
  • SIL considerations
  • Automation concepts
  • Applications according to BImSchG
  • AwSV concepts
  • Approval plans, site plans
  • Building applications and construction planning
  • MTO

Basic Engineering: How 3D Scanning Technology helps

When it comes to the spatial recording of complex objects such as technical facilities, terrestrial 3D laser measurement can now be defined as standard. We use state-of-the-art laser scanning technology as a part of basic engineering for high precision capturing of the existing plants, halls and machines as well as displaying them in a detailed 3D model. With the help of this technology, even hard-to-reach areas can be reliably captured and represented. This creates a complete picture of your existing plant, which can be used in basic as well as in detail engineering to develop the best possible technical solutions to exactly meet your needs.

At PCR Engineering you can expect a competent interdisciplinary team of experts

The design and development of technical plants require a high degree of expertise, experience and organizational skills. Apart from the technical realization, there are further structural, economic, labor and environmental details that must also be taken into account in basic as well as in detail engineering if a project needs to be implemented in accordance with the schedule. This can only be achieved with the help of a team that shows expertise and experience in various disciplines and can optimally coordinate all the necessary work steps.

PCR Engineering ensures the optimal realization of your project: in close coordination with our customers, an interdisciplinary team of electrical, chemical and industrial engineers advises, plans and develops even elaborate and highly complex plant systems. We are glad to show brilliant references of the projects in pharmaceutical, chemical as well as food industries. Our teams in Dresden and Wallenhorst are also part of a competence network of highly specialized engineering offices and universities that can provide additional expertise. 

We take care of basic- and of detail engineering as well as of the official approvals preparing. In this way, we take your project safely through all planning and implementation phases from the initial concept idea to plant acceptance. Would you like to learn more? Then call us or send us a contact request. We will get back to you reliably and at short notice.

Case Study - Basic Engineering

Based on a previous concept planning, we prepared extended basic engineering including construction and approval planning for the expansion of the existing polyol production for a long-standing customer. The plant and thus planning scope included:

  • a raw material and product tank farm with a capacity of 1000 m³
  • 4 reactors with sizes from 2 – 20 m³
  • the necessary utilities
  • a new production building
  • the refurbishment of an existing building and the roadways. 

Within the scope of the approval planning, the proximity to an FFH area and a suitable noise protection concept presented themselves as special challenges.

Through close cooperation between our experts for the requirements of the BImSchG, the plant planning and the construction planning, good solutions for all challenges of the project could be worked out during the basic engineering.

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